DMD research

Haelan 951 research has promising results

In May 2020, Duchenne UK provided an update to this project, read here.

December 2017

Last year, Duchenne UK commissioned Professor Steve Winder at Sheffield University to investigate a nutraceutical soy product, called Haelan 951.

Haelan 951 has been popular with some DMD families as a perceived way of slowing down disease progression. It has a very unpleasant taste and is expensive. It has never been tested in clinical trials, and the only evidence for its effectiveness is anecdotal.

Prof. Steve Winder carried out a study in mice which looked at the various properties in Haelan 951. He then divided them up into different diets, and compared them to each other and to a placebo group.

The results clearly showed that one of the diets had a significant and positive effect on the mice.

Duchenne UK has now asked Professor Winder to validate and extend these findings in a new set of experiments. We will keep you updated with his progress.

Steve winder has produced a poster summarising the findings of this study which you can read here.

Published on 12 December 2017

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