
Treat NMD

We are proud to fund the work of Treat-NMD, a global network of scientists, researchers and clinicians working in the neuromuscular field. It provides an invaluable infrastructure to ensure that the most promising new therapies reach patients as quickly as possible. Currently we are co-funding a research co-ordinator based with Treat-NMD in Newcastle.

We also co-fund Treat-NMD’s bi-annual review meeting called TACT – the Treat NMD Advisory Committee for Therapeutics, at which potential trials and neuromuscular treatments are reviewed. This is a unique multi-disciplinary international group of well recognised academic and industry drug development experts as well as representatives of patient foundations and institutional governmental scientific research centres, who meet to review and provide guidance on the translation and development path of therapeutics programmes in rare neuromuscular diseases with large unmet need.

Published on 3 November 2016

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