Vici Richardson
Vici has been involved in the Duchenne community for 12 years. She has a son Zak, with Duchenne, and two girls, Eva and Sian.
Zak was diagnosed at 18 months old, and since then, Vici has campaigned and raised money for Duchenne research. She left her job in 2005 as a Children's Services Manager for a childcare company and began work as PPUK's (now Action Duchenne) first fundraiser. She worked with them to lobby parliaments in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
For the last 6 years, Vici has worked as a Direct Payment Support Officer with a disability charity and city council, supporting people to use their social care budget, as well as giving information and advice on independent living. Vici is also a founder and trustee of Duchenne Now.
Vici is committed to seeing treatments for all, in the shortest time frame possible. She is particularly keen to see non-ambulant trials set up.